Witness Team

We joyfully give of our finances and energy to serve beyond the walls of our church. We would love to support and serve in every single good thing going on in our community and around the world but practically we feel a strong conviction to focus our efforts to make a difference with just a handful of very strategic partners locally and globally. 
We believe God calls every local church to some very specific priorities of care in the community and so we do our best to put as much of our resources in those places out of obedience to God’s Word. These things would be God’s call to care for widows and orphans and the poor in our immediate Rapid City community. You will see these priorities reflected in the “Local Ministries” page of our website. We partner strategically and significantly with those ministires because we believe they are most helpful in assisting us in obeying God’s call to our local church. Above all and through all of these, the proclamation of the gospel must always be prioritized and central to even material need meeting ministry. We want to do the former without neglecting the latter. 
We also believe that God calls every local church to be about seeing “The Great Commission” fulfilled around the world. Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations and reaching every single people group on the planet must be a priority of prayer and giving for every local church.
Therefore, under our “Foreign Missions” page on our website, you will see that we have sought to be very selective and strategic in who we financially support and partner with. We would rather partner with a few significantly than dozens and dozens insignificantly. 
We have focused our partnership on those in the most difficult and unreached around the world and with a focus on seeing local churches established and strengthened. The local church is God’s plan A for the sustained spread of the gospel and there is no plan B. 
While there are many noble missions organizations and causes, we want our church effectively helping those that are in the darkest places, prioritizing gospel proclamation and invested in the planting and strengthening of local churches above all.